Alejandro Blé I Marketing Manager After the health contingency in which remote work schemes were implemented, the vacating of spaces originated a new trend in the sector, that of real estate conversion, in which building owners are looking for alternatives to convert their properties into other types of properties such as housing, shopping centers or hospitals. Although this trend in the market is not new, as countries such as Spain or the United States have been doing it, in the case of Mexico the conversion is just beginning and various real estate companies have focused on adapting to these changes and the new transformations that they bring. with it for the sector, mainly in its diversification of the offer according to current needs. Prior to the pandemic, according to the 2020 Regional Survey: How did the work and family environment change ?, by IAE Business School, only 34% worked remotely full time and 10% some days of the week, while during this pandemic 68% of Mexicans began to work under home office schemes, in which they realized that they can go to live in other places while carrying out work activities. By 2021, the Secretariat of Urban Development and Housing (Seduvi) of Mexico City expects that at least 50 office buildings will be converted into apartments in the coming months as part of the economic reactivation plan in the capital. For Coldwell Banker it is no exception to transform some of its properties that were previously offices now into colivings or coworkings, the important question is how to offer each inhabitant a personalized home. Some of the characteristics that made the real estate reconversion appear was to transform offices into apartments, and that the thousands of spaces that were no longer used are now better used with a new identity which seeks to make it a new way of life with more personalized spaces , of mixed uses and accessible. The solution to find any of these properties is accompanied by technological platforms which will facilitate the search according to the area of residence, where all the important aspects, services and characteristics desired by the interested party in a home can be located. The real estate conversion now represents an opportunity to diversify the supply and cover the demand for housing that exists in the city and thus boost the sector, which is why it is expected that in 2022, a significant percentage of the corporate office space in the country have mixed uses. Follow us on Facebook Instagram YouTube