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Factors to Consider When Buying Your First Home

If you’re ready to buy a house or apartment, there are several factors you need to be aware of before making such an important decision. According to the 2020 National Housing Survey (ENVI) conducted by the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI) with the assistance of the National Workers’ Housing Fund Institute (Infonavit) and the Federal Mortgage Society (SHF), it is estimated that there are 23.9 million inhabited self-owned homes in Mexico, with 41.5% owned by women and 56.9% by men.

We would like you to see acquiring a property not as an expense but as an investment. During a recession, like the one that could affect the global economy, there is an opportunity to invest in the medium and long term in the real estate sector.

Whether your plans involve investment or simply moving to a better lifestyle, we offer you some tips to help you decide how to choose the ideal first property for you and your family:

● Location: A determining factor when buying a home is its location. It is advisable to choose an area that allows you to access shopping centers, restaurants, supermarkets, services, school zones, and more within a few minutes to save time and money.

● Rooms: It is recommended that each person living with you has their own space for privacy and to carry out their school or work activities appropriately.

● Work: The recent pandemic has popularized telecommuting, and the number of remote workers is increasing. In the United States alone, it is recorded that 10 million Americans are digital nomads. Since their physical presence is not necessary, they can live wherever they prefer. Coldwell Banker Mexico offers various properties in the best cities in the country, allowing you to find a property that harmonizes with your needs and desires.

● Budget: It is advisable to create a budget to be able to acquire a home, using various financial tools such as a mortgage loan, which will help you buy the place you’ve always dreamed of.

If you intend to buy a property but have doubts, Coldwell Banker Mexico offers our advisors who, as experts in the field, will assist you throughout the entire process of acquiring a home.


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