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5 ways to organize yourself and reduce stress

Picture of Coldwell Banker® México

Coldwell Banker® México

Real state investment

Alma Morales Digital Media July is here! We are already in the second semester of 2020 and at times we can overwhelm ourselves with so many things that have to be done, but we want to give you 5 tips to organize yourself and reduce stress. 1. Clear your thoughts. What do you want? And what is your goal? For example my goal of the week is: Exercise or my goal of the day is to stop eating sugars or empty all my paper notes in an excel on the computer, to empty my mind. Make your goal clear, specific, and measurable. 2. Split your goal. So you can easily cope with the situation. You can organize your day by blocks, split the time from work, the time you dedicate to your family and the time you dedicate to yourself. To order your tasks you can use Trello app, find it at www.trello.com is an app that will help you better organize each task. 3. Focus. Don’t let your thoughts paralyze you. Get rid of negative thoughts and take action, don’t let your thoughts stop your progress. 4. Give yourself credit for your achievements. Many of us follow the pattern of focusing on failures or bad things most of the time and let good things go unnoticed or have little excitement about the achievement. Wouldn’t it be better to hold the emotion for the good things instead of focusing on the bad things? 5. Give yourself time. Eat well and exercise. If you’re ok, people around you are too. With this app https://myrealfood.app/ you can learn more about food, and also improve your eating habits, join its community and sharing recipes and tips. If you don’t eat well you will not have energy, if you stay up late, you will be sleepy throughout the day and if you don’t exercise your body is going to pay one way or another. When you spend a moment for yourself, you work better and helps you a lot. It is suggested that you do it right after waking up but each of us is different, accommodate this time when it is best for you. An excellent meditation app is https://www.headspace.com/es company that is also offering free support in this global crisis. To help you organize, feel free to download our Week Planner to schedule all your tasks. Week Planner Síguenos en Facebook Instagram YouTube COLDWELL BANKER MÉXICO

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