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How to Safely Move your Plants to your New Home

Rodrigo Martínez Moving can be stressful for all living beings. When it comes to change, plants are especially vulnerable. However, with a little love and some planning you can protect your plants and help them adjust to their new environment. Whether you are worried about your small succulent collection or you are a certified plant parent, be assured these tips from Tim Moore, lead editor of Backyard Boss, will help keep your plants safe and secure throughout the moving process. Protect your plants before the move – Water your plants the day before they will be transported. Keeping the soil hydrated will keep the roots loose and reduce any shocks during transport. – Wrap your plants in a cone shaped form to keep all its leaves and soil from falling out or breaking. This step is especially important for orchids or fragile plants that need their space. – Measure your plants and find the right kind of moving box to prepare for transport. – If your potted plants are small: fit various pots into a book box, leaving the lid open and filling the spaces in between the pots with packing paper or eco-bubble. Ideally, the box would be tall enough to protect the stems, branches or leaves while leaving enough clearance for the plants to breath. Keep your plants thriving in their new home – Create a floor plan of your new home that allows you to analyze the exposure to sunlight, wind and warmth. Plan out the location of each plant in your new home according to the conditions it had in your previous home. For example, if your fiddle fig leaf tree was healthy and thriving where it got morning sun but not direct sunlight, find a similar spot in your new home to ensure it will adapt to its new surroundings. – While there are many urgent things to figure out after a move, unpacking your plants should be at the top of your list. Your leafy green friends need their space to breath and grow, leaving them in the moving boxes for an extended period could cause them to get sick or die. – Once you are moved in, try to reduce the shock by not moving your plants too much around your new house. Most likely, you will rearrange furniture and decor until it feels right, but keep in mind, plants need stability so try and restrict the number of times you move them around your home. Moving your plants is a definite way to make your new place feel like home. After your move, expand your plant collection. Comment on our social media Follow us on Facebook & Instagram