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Make Infonavit your best ally

Alejandro Blé Maldonado I Marketing Manager Buying a house is one of the main goals that many people set for themselves. It is important to evaluate your budget before buying your new home. A good option to achieve this dream is Infonavit. The Institute of the National Housing Fund for Workers (Infonavit) is money that is taken from the salary of workers by their employers to enter it into the Fund. This credit can be used to buy a home, pay your mortgage, build, remodel or repair your home. To be able to access a loan from Infonavit you must be affiliated with the IMSS, that you are working formally and meet the required score. It should be noted that Infonavit has created new programs such as Unite Credits, Infonavit Account + Bank Credit and the modification to its scoring system; In addition, this year the new General Rules for the granting of credit, the generation of more than 20 new financial products and the conversion of all financing denominated in Minimum Wage Times (VSM) to pesos will come into force. To start obtaining this benefit, it is important that you access micuenta.infonavit.org.mx/, create an account and thus you will be able to know your points and the prequalification to obtain the credit, and you can also know if you are prequalified if you enter precalificaciones.infonavit .org.mx/. The benefits that you will obtain with a credit of this type are: interest rates differentiated by salary level, employer contributions, discounts for early settlement, adding your spouse’s credit to obtain more financing and adding that of a family member or with whom you live. For example, Infonavit gave workers who earn around 12,000 pesos a month a rate of 10% or higher; today below that level of income, between 12 and 10 thousand pesos, the rates decrease to 9% or 9.5%, which are competitive rates, at the level of bank interest rates. You should consider that each loan and situation is different, although the key points to define the amount that will be granted are age and the IMSS contribution salary, so it will be necessary to consult your situation directly with Infonavit so that you have more and better information. After knowing this, you only have to analyze your financial situation, to be sure of what you can pay and do not end up cracking your fingers because you cannot afford that commitment, in addition, you can go to the experts at Coldwell Banker Mexico, to guide you in all the way. *** Coldwell Banker Facebook Twitter Instagram TikTok Web SOURCES: https://portalmx.infonavit.org.mx/ https://precalificaciones.infonavit.org.mx/ https://micuenta.infonavit.org.mx/